Monday, August 11, 2008

Not Quite a Swimming Pool

We're in the 'hot' summer days here. It's getting into the 90's during the day, sometimes mid to upper 90's.

We left behind having a pool when we left Arizona, but I'm pretty sure Chris, Beth and the kids are making very good use of it this summer! In order to be outside in the summer and enjoy anything you're doing in Arizona, you almost need to be in a pool, or wet at least. Not so back in beautiful Southern California ('God's Country' as our friend calls it, although many of you would take issue with that). But the days do get hot, so we pulled out the old stand-by swimming pools... those plastic bins! They have a lot of fun with the water and sprinkler and as evening sets in, or the shade starts to cover their playing area, they actually start to get cold! Yes, the wonderfully cool summer nights make the warm days very bearable.

For those of our friends in Arizona who are reading this, we miss you all dearly in many ways! I may knock the heat of the Arizona summers that feel like they last 7 or 8 months, but you all made it well worth enduring the heat! We miss the swimming, too, but we'll get back to doing more of that some day. For now, we're enjoying very much what we have.

Jack in the biggest pool.

Endless things you can do with water and buckets and toys.

Fun with trucks.

Trying to go around the sprinkler so it doesn't get it their eyes!
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