Friday, October 24, 2008

Derek's New Semi-Invention

Derek had some thought the other night that ended up with him online looking for a way to make a home made pitching machine for our whiffle balls. The next day over lunch he headed to Home Depot to buy the needed supples, a long length of PVC and a connector. He was so excited he tested it right when he got home! After the kids went to bed, he spent awhile in the backyard assembling the thing below. Anna was up reading and lended him and hand and the two of them ran to Target at 9:00 to get a couple dozen more balls. It was a little windy the next morning, but Jack (like father, like son) was out there first thing trying the thing out. Our leaf blower powers this contraption that shoots whiffle balls out one end. The kids (and Derek... one in the same, no?) have all really enjoyed it. Now we just need a permanent stand for it... the chairs don't work so well for holding it still from the kids knocking it around.

We're still working on our long, long project list. We've started to get some advice and estimates on how to handle the grass in our yard. It'll need to be re-sodded or torn up and seeded. Neither are cheap, but I guess that is the price we pay for wanting and getting a big yard. I just wish the sod hadn't died off while the house was left empty! One side and the back along the fence are pretty cleaned up now but the side you can see in the picture below hasn't been touched. That'll be next probably since we might not be able to do the grass stuff until spring. We have a number of huge piles of yucca and other weeded out things around the yard. It'll probably take all winter to get rid of them as we fill up our little green trash can once a week for pick up!

With all the projects we have to do on our house, some might find it a little surprising that Derek put so much time and energy into a whiffle ball pitcher. I, on the other hand, do not. :

Anna loading the pitcher.
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