Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The California Welcome Wagon

There was a pretty good sized earthquake today. Welcome back to California! The epicenter was only about 20-25 miles from us and we got a pretty good rumble and shake. Nothing fell down our out of things, but the kids were not too pleased with their introduction to earthquakes. A couple of them came running and crying, Luke just stood there looking at me-- not quite sure what to make of it. I think I've only felt one or two that jolted more than this one.

It was a good chance for me to explain earthquakes and what we're supposed to do during one-- I had totally forgotten that I should do that with these guys now that they're bigger and we're in the land of quakes. Within hours, they were talking about it like it was some kind of roller coaster ride ('It was fun!' and 'I wasn't scared!'), but they weren't so brave in the moment.

I turned the news on right after to show them some of the coverage. Here they are watching the room that the local news station has set up to film during earthquakes (has cameras, set up like office) to see what happens/shakes down. My cell is working now, but for some reason we still don't have a dial tone on our land line.

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