We picked up a kite at a yard sale last weekend and it was a perfect, windy weekend for all of the kids to enjoy it. They had a blast and it only got caught in the tree a few times!
We're several games into Jack's season and he's really enjoying it. This year it is coach-pitch and the kids are a little better at fielding. They still don't keep official score (which is fine with me) and it is fun to watch. Several of the boys on his team this year were also on his team last year and he's had fun with his old friends.
Leah doesn't read well yet, but she refuses to look at picture books and will only take some of the longer books that Anna reads with her to book time. She 'reads' them, usually out loud with a few changes to the plot line. But with great fervor and drama.
This one reads anything you put in front of her.
He's a good reader, but doesn't love it like Anna. He's getting more into it and will go get books to read on his own often now.
Jack started his second year of Little League and his first year hitting off of a pitch. He really enjoys playing and has some of the same guys on his team this year as he did last year. His season started last week and goes through the end of May.
We ate at the TGIF's at Chase when were in in AZ to visit and they have a balcony that overlooks field. They're anticipating the upcoming D-Backs season!
Derek, Jack and whoever they could recruit managed a number of Geocache hits in AZ. This is, if I have the lingo right, an urban micro cache in QC.
More cache stuff, they found one with some cool swaps.
I've been very lax in updating the blog lately, but I would like anyone who reads this to note that it isn't just the blog readers who are suffering from my busy-ness-- this is Anna's 8 year photo which we took in February. And yes, her birthday was in October.