Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall & Pumpkins

I have been very bad/slow about blogging lately. We've been busy with school and so many other things, but Derek took a day off and we went and hung out in Oak Glen (higher altitude area nearby know for their apple orchards) and we had a blast. There is even a place that makes hot apple cider donuts--- melt my heart! Edwards is good, but these are probably just as good and much closer!

Anna found a miniature pony that she would have stayed all day with if she could. As it happens, the horse's name was Anna and she was 8 years old. Go figure.

My pumpkins.

Leah has some priceless expressions.

There was a little stream of water running down behind one of the ranches and the kids spent a long time racing leaves and sticks down it. Some childhood games just come naturally to kids! That is the same thing almost any kid would do with running water, sticks and leaves.
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Friday, October 16, 2009

She's 8!

My cowgirl at the Cowgirl Cafe for her birthday breakfast.

Anna turned 8 on Wednesday and we've been celebrating all week in little ways. I'll post more later.
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